The code is normally 4 characters long. For example:

  • CDMR: Compact 4 door manual car with air conditioning

A CDMR vehicle could be one of many different makes/model, for example: Ford Focus, Fiat Stilo or Hyundai Matrix

Why use SIPP codes?

SIPP codes make it easier to compare vehicles by grouping similar vehicles together. There are thousands of different vehicles in the world, so there needs to be a system of organising them.

Will I definitely get the model that I book?

When you book a vehicle, you are not guaranteed to receive that vehicle: you will receive a vehicle with the same or superior SIPP code. It is quite common to receive a different vehicle, so don’t set your hopes on receiving a specific make or model. Sometimes vehicles are being repaired and other times one model might be over-booked. However, you will receive a vehicle of the same calibre – that is what the SIPP ensures.

How do I use a SIPP code?

The 4 letters describe different things – either the type of vehicle, the number of doors, the transmission or whether it has air conditioning.

First letter
(Size of vehicle)
Second letter
(Number of doors)
Third letter
(Transmission & drive)
Fourth letter
(Fuel & A/C)
M = Mini B = 2/3 door M = Manual drive N = Unspecified fuel, no A/C
N = Mini Elite C = 2/4 door N = Manual, 4WD R = Unspecified fuel, A/C
E = Economy D = 4/5door C = Manual, AWD D = Diesel, A/C
H = Economy Elite W = Wagon / Estate A = Auto drive Q = Diesel, no A/C
C = Compact V = Passenger Van B = Auto, 4WD H = Hybrid, A/C
D = Compact Elite L = Limousine D = Auto, AWD I = Hybrid, no A/C
I = Intermediate S = Sport E = Electric, A/C
J = Intermediate Elite T = Convertable C = Electric, no A/C
S = Standard F = SUV L = LPG/Gas, A/C
R = Standard Elite J = Open Air All Terrain S = LPG/Gas, no A/C
F = Fullsize X = Special A = Hydrogen, A/C
G = Fullsize Elite P = Pickup Regular Cab B = Hydrogen, no A/C
P = Premium Q = Pickup Extended Cab M = Multi fuel, A/C
U = Premium Elite Z = Special Offer Car F = Multi fuel, no A/C
L = Luxury E = Coupe V = Petrol, A/C
W = Luxury Elite M = Monospace Z = Petrol, no A/C
O = Oversize R = Recreational U = Ethanol, A/C
X = Special H = Motor Home X = Ethanol, no A/C
Y = 2 Wheel Vehicle
N = Roadster
G = Crossover
K = Commercial Van / Truck


Why have a 2/4 door car?

A common second letter SIPP is the letter C. This is for a 2 or 4 door car. You might say that a car is either one or the other so this does not make sense. The reason for it is that car hire companies often use this because they can substitute a 2 door car with a 4 door car if they run out of the 2 door ones. People don’t mind because they get a larger vehicle – they are effectively upgraded to a 4 door car so they get more space.

  • If you book a 2 door car (letter B), you will get a 2 door car.
  • If you book a 4 door car (letter D), you will get a 4 door car.
  • If you book a 2 or 4 door car (letter C), you will probably get a 2 door car but you might get a 4 door car.

Abuse of SIPP codes

The SIPP code list is a voluntary standard set by the industry body ACRISS ( Car hire companies are encouraged to use the agreed SIPP codes but are not obliged to do so. If car hire companies create their own codes, it removes standardisation and makes it hard for consumers to compare cars.

List of SIPP codes

Popular SIPP codes and their meanings:

SIPP code 1 2 3 4 Type of vehicle Size of vehicle Transmission & drive
CBAN C B A N Compact 2/3 door Auto drive
CBAR C B A R Compact 2/3 door Auto drive
CBMN C B M N Compact 2/3 door Manual drive
CBMR C B M R Compact 2/3 door Manual drive
CCAN C C A N Compact 2/4 door Auto drive
CCAR C C A R Compact 2/4 door Auto drive
CCMD C C M D Compact 2/4 door Manual drive
CCMN C C M N Compact 2/4 door Manual drive
CCMR C C M R Compact 2/4 door Manual drive
CDAN C D A N Compact 4/5door Auto drive
CDAR C D A R Compact 4/5door Auto drive
CDMD C D M D Compact 4/5door Manual drive
CDMN C D M N Compact 4/5door Manual drive
CDMR C D M R Compact 4/5door Manual drive
CFAR C F A R Compact SUV Auto drive
CFMN C F M N Compact SUV Manual drive
CFMR C F M R Compact SUV Manual drive
CIMR C I M R Compact Manual drive
CLMR C L M R Compact Limousine Manual drive
CPAR C P A R Compact Pickup Regular Cab Auto drive
CPMN C P M N Compact Pickup Regular Cab Manual drive
CPMR C P M R Compact Pickup Regular Cab Manual drive
CTAR C T A R Compact Convertable Auto drive
CTMN C T M N Compact Convertable Manual drive
CTMR C T M R Compact Convertable Manual drive
CVAR C V A R Compact Passenger Van Auto drive
CVMD C V M D Compact Passenger Van Manual drive
CVMR C V M R Compact Passenger Van Manual drive
CWAR C W A R Compact Wagon / Estate Auto drive
CWMD C W M D Compact Wagon / Estate Manual drive
CWMN C W M N Compact Wagon / Estate Manual drive
CWMR C W M R Compact Wagon / Estate Manual drive
CXAN C X A N Compact Special Auto drive
CXAR C X A R Compact Special Auto drive
CXMN C X M N Compact Special Manual drive
CXMR C X M R Compact Special Manual drive
EBAN E B A N Economy 2/3 door Auto drive
EBAR E B A R Economy 2/3 door Auto drive
EBMN E B M N Economy 2/3 door Manual drive
EBMR E B M R Economy 2/3 door Manual drive
ECAN E C A N Economy 2/4 door Auto drive
ECAR E C A R Economy 2/4 door Auto drive
ECMD E C M D Economy 2/4 door Manual drive
ECMN E C M N Economy 2/4 door Manual drive
ECMR E C M R Economy 2/4 door Manual drive
EDAN E D A N Economy 4/5door Auto drive
EDAR E D A R Economy 4/5door Auto drive
EDMD E D M D Economy 4/5door Manual drive
EDMN E D M N Economy 4/5door Manual drive
EDMR E D M R Economy 4/5door Manual drive
EFAD E F A D Economy SUV Auto drive
EFAR E F A R Economy SUV Auto drive
EFMR E F M R Economy SUV Manual drive
EKMN E K M N Economy Commercial Van / Truck Manual drive
ESAR E S A R Economy Sport Auto drive
ESMR E S M R Economy Sport Manual drive
ETAR E T A R Economy Convertable Auto drive
ETMN E T M N Economy Convertable Manual drive
ETMR E T M R Economy Convertable Manual drive
EVMN E V M N Economy Passenger Van Manual drive
EVMR E V M R Economy Passenger Van Manual drive
EWMN E W M N Economy Wagon / Estate Manual drive
EWMR E W M R Economy Wagon / Estate Manual drive
EXAR E X A R Economy Special Auto drive
EXMN E X M N Economy Special Manual drive
EXMR E X M R Economy Special Manual drive
FBAR F B A R Fullsize 2/3 door Auto drive
FCAR F C A R Fullsize 2/4 door Auto drive
FCMR F C M R Fullsize 2/4 door Manual drive
FDAD F D A D Fullsize 4/5door Auto drive
FDAR F D A R Fullsize 4/5door Auto drive
FDMD F D M D Fullsize 4/5door Manual drive
FDMN F D M N Fullsize 4/5door Manual drive
FDMR F D M R Fullsize 4/5door Manual drive
FFAN F F A N Fullsize SUV Auto drive
FFAR F F A R Fullsize SUV Auto drive
FFMN F F M N Fullsize SUV Manual drive
FFMR F F M R Fullsize SUV Manual drive
FIAR F I A R Fullsize Auto drive
FIMR F I M R Fullsize Manual drive
FPAR F P A R Fullsize Pickup Regular Cab Auto drive
FPMR F P M R Fullsize Pickup Regular Cab Manual drive
FTAR F T A R Fullsize Convertable Auto drive
FTMR F T M R Fullsize Convertable Manual drive
FVAN F V A N Fullsize Passenger Van Auto drive
FVAR F V A R Fullsize Passenger Van Auto drive
FVMD F V M D Fullsize Passenger Van Manual drive
FVMN F V M N Fullsize Passenger Van Manual drive
FVMR F V M R Fullsize Passenger Van Manual drive
FWAD F W A D Fullsize Wagon / Estate Auto drive
FWAR F W A R Fullsize Wagon / Estate Auto drive
FWMR F W M R Fullsize Wagon / Estate Manual drive
FXAR F X A R Fullsize Special Auto drive
FXMR F X M R Fullsize Special Manual drive
GVAR G V A R Fullsize Elite Passenger Van Auto drive
GVMR G V M R Fullsize Elite Passenger Van Manual drive
IBAR I B A R Intermediate 2/3 door Auto drive
IBMD I B M D Intermediate 2/3 door Manual drive
IBMR I B M R Intermediate 2/3 door Manual drive
ICAN I C A N Intermediate 2/4 door Auto drive
ICAR I C A R Intermediate 2/4 door Auto drive
ICMN I C M N Intermediate 2/4 door Manual drive
ICMR I C M R Intermediate 2/4 door Manual drive
IDAD I D A D Intermediate 4/5door Auto drive
IDAN I D A N Intermediate 4/5door Auto drive
IDAR I D A R Intermediate 4/5door Auto drive
IDMD I D M D Intermediate 4/5door Manual drive
IDMN I D M N Intermediate 4/5door Manual drive
IDMR I D M R Intermediate 4/5door Manual drive
IFAN I F A N Intermediate SUV Auto drive
IFAR I F A R Intermediate SUV Auto drive
IFMN I F M N Intermediate SUV Manual drive
IFMR I F M R Intermediate SUV Manual drive
IGMR I G M R Intermediate Crossover Manual drive
IIMR I I M R Intermediate Manual drive
IJAR I J A R Intermediate Open Air All Terrain Auto drive
IJMR I J M R Intermediate Open Air All Terrain Manual drive
ILMR I L M R Intermediate Limousine Manual drive
IPMR I P M R Intermediate Pickup Regular Cab Manual drive
ITAR I T A R Intermediate Convertable Auto drive
ITMN I T M N Intermediate Convertable Manual drive
ITMR I T M R Intermediate Convertable Manual drive
IVAN I V A N Intermediate Passenger Van Auto drive
IVAR I V A R Intermediate Passenger Van Auto drive
IVMN I V M N Intermediate Passenger Van Manual drive
IVMR I V M R Intermediate Passenger Van Manual drive
IWAN I W A N Intermediate Wagon / Estate Auto drive
IWAR I W A R Intermediate Wagon / Estate Auto drive
IWMD I W M D Intermediate Wagon / Estate Manual drive
IWMN I W M N Intermediate Wagon / Estate Manual drive
IWMR I W M R Intermediate Wagon / Estate Manual drive
IXAR I X A R Intermediate Special Auto drive
IXMN I X M N Intermediate Special Manual drive
IXMR I X M R Intermediate Special Manual drive
JFAR J F A R Intermediate Elite SUV Auto drive
LCAN L C A N Luxury 2/4 door Auto drive
LCAR L C A R Luxury 2/4 door Auto drive
LCMR L C M R Luxury 2/4 door Manual drive
LDAD L D A D Luxury 4/5door Auto drive
LDAR L D A R Luxury 4/5door Auto drive
LDMR L D M R Luxury 4/5door Manual drive
LFAR L F A R Luxury SUV Auto drive
LFMR L F M R Luxury SUV Manual drive
LSAR L S A R Luxury Sport Auto drive
LSMR L S M R Luxury Sport Manual drive
LTAR L T A R Luxury Convertable Auto drive
LTMR L T M R Luxury Convertable Manual drive
LVAN L V A N Luxury Passenger Van Auto drive
LVAR L V A R Luxury Passenger Van Auto drive
LVMN L V M N Luxury Passenger Van Manual drive
LVMR L V M R Luxury Passenger Van Manual drive
LWAR L W A R Luxury Wagon / Estate Auto drive
LXAR L X A R Luxury Special Auto drive
MBAR M B A R Mini 2/3 door Auto drive
MBMN M B M N Mini 2/3 door Manual drive
MBMR M B M R Mini 2/3 door Manual drive
MCAR M C A R Mini 2/4 door Auto drive
MCMN M C M N Mini 2/4 door Manual drive
MCMR M C M R Mini 2/4 door Manual drive
MDAR M D A R Mini 4/5door Auto drive
MDMN M D M N Mini 4/5door Manual drive
MDMR M D M R Mini 4/5door Manual drive
MFMR M F M R Mini SUV Manual drive
MTAN M T A N Mini Convertable Auto drive
MTMN M T M N Mini Convertable Manual drive
MTMR M T M R Mini Convertable Manual drive
MVAR M V A R Mini Passenger Van Auto drive
MVMN M V M N Mini Passenger Van Manual drive
MVMR M V M R Mini Passenger Van Manual drive
MXAR M X A R Mini Special Auto drive
MXMN M X M N Mini Special Manual drive
MXMR M X M R Mini Special Manual drive
NTAN N T A N Mini Elite Convertable Auto drive
NTMN N T M N Mini Elite Convertable Manual drive
PCAR P C A R Premium 2/4 door Auto drive
PCMR P C M R Premium 2/4 door Manual drive
PDAD P D A D Premium 4/5door Auto drive
PDAR P D A R Premium 4/5door Auto drive
PDMD P D M D Premium 4/5door Manual drive
PDMN P D M N Premium 4/5door Manual drive
PDMR P D M R Premium 4/5door Manual drive
PFAR P F A R Premium SUV Auto drive
PFMN P F M N Premium SUV Manual drive
PFMR P F M R Premium SUV Manual drive
PIAR P I A R Premium Auto drive
PSAR P S A R Premium Sport Auto drive
PTAR P T A R Premium Convertable Auto drive
PTMR P T M R Premium Convertable Manual drive
PVAR P V A R Premium Passenger Van Auto drive
PVMN P V M N Premium Passenger Van Manual drive
PVMR P V M R Premium Passenger Van Manual drive
PWAR P W A R Premium Wagon / Estate Auto drive
PWMN P W M N Premium Wagon / Estate Manual drive
PWMR P W M R Premium Wagon / Estate Manual drive
PXAR P X A R Premium Special Auto drive
PXMR P X M R Premium Special Manual drive
RVMR R V M R Standard Elite Passenger Van Manual drive
SBAR S B A R Standard 2/3 door Auto drive
SCAN S C A N Standard 2/4 door Auto drive
SCAR S C A R Standard 2/4 door Auto drive
SCMD S C M D Standard 2/4 door Manual drive
SCMN S C M N Standard 2/4 door Manual drive
SCMR S C M R Standard 2/4 door Manual drive
SDAD S D A D Standard 4/5door Auto drive
SDAN S D A N Standard 4/5door Auto drive
SDAR S D A R Standard 4/5door Auto drive
SDMD S D M D Standard 4/5door Manual drive
SDMN S D M N Standard 4/5door Manual drive
SDMR S D M R Standard 4/5door Manual drive
SFAN S F A N Standard SUV Auto drive
SFAR S F A R Standard SUV Auto drive
SFMN S F M N Standard SUV Manual drive
SFMR S F M R Standard SUV Manual drive
STAR S T A R Standard Convertable Auto drive
STMR S T M R Standard Convertable Manual drive
SVAN S V A N Standard Passenger Van Auto drive
SVAR S V A R Standard Passenger Van Auto drive
SVMD S V M D Standard Passenger Van Manual drive
SVMN S V M N Standard Passenger Van Manual drive
SVMR S V M R Standard Passenger Van Manual drive
SWAN S W A N Standard Wagon / Estate Auto drive
SWAR S W A R Standard Wagon / Estate Auto drive
SWMD S W M D Standard Wagon / Estate Manual drive
SWMN S W M N Standard Wagon / Estate Manual drive
SWMR S W M R Standard Wagon / Estate Manual drive
SXMR S X M R Standard Special Manual drive
XBAR X B A R Special 2/3 door Auto drive
XCAR X C A R Special 2/4 door Auto drive
XCMN X C M N Special 2/4 door Manual drive
XCMR X C M R Special 2/4 door Manual drive
XDAR X D A R Special 4/5door Auto drive
XDMN X D M N Special 4/5door Manual drive
XDMR X D M R Special 4/5door Manual drive
XFAR X F A R Special SUV Auto drive
XFMN X F M N Special SUV Manual drive
XFMR X F M R Special SUV Manual drive
XJAR X J A R Special Open Air All Terrain Auto drive
XPMN X P M N Special Pickup Regular Cab Manual drive
XRAR X R A R Special Recreational Auto drive
XSAR X S A R Special Sport Auto drive
XTAR X T A R Special Convertable Auto drive
XWAR X W A R Special Wagon / Estate Auto drive
XXAR X X A R Special Special Auto drive